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Martial arts > Japanese Martial Arts > Aikido

AIKIDO STAGE Aikido stage    
( 4 visits since 02-07-2009 )
Alain peyrache teaches the aikido in many countries. providing teaching in france and the foreigner, he teaches at a dojo without border from the meeting of these pupils. this site offers a calendar of dates of courses.  fr  

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Manuel wrote 31-08-2015 :
It is so interesting, Carmen, to hear your exreipence of practice with Kato Sensei. When I came to the seminar to watch ( knees insist I train by the sidelines) I felt a similar feeling a calm joy in the room. Everyone seemed to be having a fun time.I contrast this weekend with the early days of Kato visits, when the atmosphere was grimmer, with many of us trying to figure out how we too could do Aikido like KS. I am sure there is still some of that but seems more and more the students are out there enjoying themselves, each other and the practice of flowing with the energy.

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