Martial arts > Various Asian Martial Arts > Mongolian Wrestling
Wow! Great to find a post <a href="">knicnokg</a> my socks off!
That really cauerpts the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
codey, your last post has nothing to do with your post about<a href=""> teiatrng</a> people like human beings. You made strong accusations and, I repeat, you can't back them up.And who is the SH Prep coach? Does BG have to visit every HS in NJ? Does BG have to genuflect before every HS coach who feels his ring must be kissed? There are probably at least 750 high schools in this state alone. These attacks on BG long ago got ridiculous. Last year I read an article stating that Bob Hurley did not like it that BG called him Mr. Hurley. I mean, come on now. WTF!!! Apparently, the esteemed Jersey City legend likes to be called Coach or Coach Hurley.Why don't journalists write some articles about all the weasels who were still recruiting Jordan Theodore long after he committed to the Hall? Why don't they writers interview SHU players and asked them all the dirt that was shoveled to them about BG? Why don't they name names?
Smart thnnikig - a clever way of looking at it. [url=]vsatst[/url] [link=]euvbrna[/link]
Good to hear from you Mike. I always know <a href="">exaclty</a> what to write to get you to pipe up, right? Reasonable people can disagree on these rankings, but Syracuse did just lose AT HOME to Pitt by DOUBLE DIGITS. I understand the Kansas-Cornell analogy by we all know Kansas would beat Cornell 9 out of 10 times. That's the definition of a fluke. Can we say that about Pitt-Cuse? I don't think so. Let me see more and then I will adjust accordingly. As for West Virginia and Villanova, I've had them 1-2 in that order since October and I see no reason to change that right now. Nova losing to Temple in one of those crazy Big 5 games (where upsets are commonplace) doesn't upset the apple cart in my mind. Again, it'll all play out. I actually enjoyed Boeheim's postgame after Seton Hall, even his potshot at the media about OOC schedule strength (at least the quotes were interesting and usable). Much better than the normal blah-blah-blah you get from a lot of the other guys. Bitter, the point about last year's Big East is how it was the deepest league ever. Obviously no league was better at the top than those mid-80s Big Easts. If it makes you feel better the next time it comes up I will put an asterisk and a footnote making this distinction. Piratefocus,I've been beating the drums for Fero Hall as you know, but he is way too small to play center in the Big East. Have you seen the size of the postmen on the other teams? Big John is a space-eater and is useful in short spurts (alas, his knees have robbed him of the rest). Fero has to beef up big-time before he can hold his own at center for any reasonable lengths.
PP / saita e hubav informativen,no prtoso s tazi publikaciq me zagubihte za posetitel.Kakvo gi interesuva grajdanite 4e tozi zastarqvasht uligofren i negovata zapadnala ot krai vreme sapruga imat dete?Da im e jivo i zdravo deteto ama zanimavate horata s gluposti!
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