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Eskrima / Arnis

Martial arts > Various Asian Martial Arts > Eskrima / Arnis

Eskrima or Escrima refers to a class of Filipino Martial Arts that emphasize stick and sword fighting. Other terms which have entered into common usage include Kali and Arnis de Mano (harness of the hand); occasionally the abbreviation FMA (Filipino Martial Arts) is used. Eskrima and Arnis are among the many names primarily used in the Philippines today to refer to these arts. The name Kali, although primarily used in the United States and Europe, is seldom used in the Philippines and in most cases is an unknown word. But due to the popularity of the term outside of the Philippines and the influence of foreign practitioners, the term Kali is increasingly being recognized and accepted in the Philippines. Kalis, as used in the Philippines, refers to a sword.


Brussels Filipino Martial Arts Association Brussels filipino martial arts association    
( 135 visits since 25-04-2010 )
The filipino martial arts brussels association aims, the promotion of philippine martial arts in brussels and in belgium for more general way. it teac...  fr    en  

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USMC Arnis Usmc arnis    
( 33 visits since 28-01-2010 )
Sectio d arnis moissy-cramayel, near melun. art of authentic battle, mobile and effective, based on combat. work weapons erases differences of force c...  fr  

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BELGIAN ARNIS ACADEMY Belgian arnis academy    
( 106 visits since 11-03-2008 )
The belgian arnis has been created by guro monos germano. c is a system of unarmed combat, stick and knife. c is a synthesis of various philippine com...  fr    en    nl  

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Arnie-Eskrima, Wing Chun and Chin Na in Monterrey Arnie-eskrima, wing chun and chin na in monterrey    
( 42 visits since 09-10-2008 )
Arnis-eskrima academy in monterrey, nl...  fr  

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Association Alchimie Association alchimie    
( 26 visits since 18-03-2012 )
La pratique du kali, completee par le jeet kune do et le silat, offrent aux pratiquants attires par la martialite des outils complets pour travailler ...  fr  

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CIRCLE SAADA asbl - Welcome Circle saada asbl - welcome    
( 56 visits since 01-05-2010 )
Saada circle offers the practice of balintawak eskrima world nickelstick. saada circle is a place for exchange of ideas and sharing experiences in a s...  fr  

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Kavalera Eskrima Kavalera eskrima    
( 165 visits since 17-03-2006 )
The martial art hybrid philippine warriors, spanish conquistadors, pirates japanese dilao, the moros of southern philippines practicing the art of sil...  fr  

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