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BJJ Videos

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BJJ Videos Bjj videos    
( 2 visits since 22-07-2011 )
Bjj videos is a central location and blog that features the best brazilian jiu jitsu videos that can found online, that feature techniques, history, and great grappling matches.  en  

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Keke wrote 31-08-2015 :
Hey, I'm a blue belt in BJJ. I'll check out that post for sure, thanks. I guess for now my goals are to just upadte it as often as I can until I find the motivation to put more effort and start posting pictures/videos. ~4 days a week seems like a reasonable start. Right now I'm kind of stuck just writing things without posting any pictures because I can't carry my camera around to the gym and my phone sucks. Ideally, I'd be posting a video every week of some exercise, along with a recipe and some things about my jiu jitsu experience that week, whether it's what I learned or what I need to learn etc..

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